eBook Tips and Tricks #1

I have decided to make a number of articles on this website, about the issues of self-publishing eBooks, and the tips and tricks I have learnt from my difficulties and experience. Hopefully, these experiences can help everybody, who wants to make their own self-publishing project.

The first tip and trick, is based on my frustrations of today. Tables!

I create the books, on Microsoft Word, and certain self-publishers don’t like tables made on Word. This is a problem, for most of the non-fiction books I make, which utilise tables to breakdown information, in an easy to read format.

But, the errors and issues they cause to book publishing software, is pretty incredible. So, if you want them to be in your book, then they have to be there in the form of an image, or picture.

The techniques I have seen to do this, have not been working great for me so far. So, when I have got the technique of turning tables, into images and it not causing problems or taking hours to do each table, then I will add a separate article, about how to do this. More of these articles will be appearing soon.

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